Request for Proposal – Economic Development Investment
Release Date: July 23, 2024
Proposals Due: September 13, 2024
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Established in 1982, NORTHWEST BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION is a Certified Development Company (CDC) and licensed by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to help administer the SBA’s 504 loan program. Our mission is to support business growth, job creation and job retention by providing quality small business loan services in our area of operations by partnering with local lenders and the SBA. We are very proud to play a part in the economic growth and stability of our region.
II. Services Needed
A component of our mission is to support economic development by annually investing a portion of our reserve funds into the communities we serve throughout all of Washington State, 10 northern counties in Idaho, and Oregon. These investments are designed to add to the capacity of institutions so that an increased number of small businesses will flourish and contribute to a more vibrant economic base across the region.
NORTHWEST BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION is seeking proposals from certified micro-lenders, economic development and/or workforce development companies, or technical assistance providers that will utilize the award funds to support business development outcomes through micro-lending programs, entrepreneurial training/incubator space, scholarships to students, or workforce development among any or all of the following targeted populations:
• Veterans
• Women
• Minorities as defined by SBA
• Youth ages 18-24
• Individuals with Disabilities
• Underserved areas
NOTE: One or more successful bidder(s) will be awarded up to $50,000.00 in grants to carry out the above-mentioned work. The grant is non-renewable and during the period of project NORTHWEST BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION will require quarterly outcome reporting to evaluate the impact of the investment through economic development and jobs creation.
III. Required Proposal Submission Requirements
By September 13, 2024, submit a proposal in Microsoft Word or PDF format that includes each of the below items. It is expected that proposals will demonstrate the bidder’s attention to detail.
Proposals Must Include the Following:
1. Clear description of work including which specific targeted population(s) listed on page one (by name) that will benefit from the services provided using these funds.
2. Experience of institution in providing microloans and/or economic development/workforce development to the community and populations served in which they are located, i.e., history, description of types of in services offered and industry sectors and populations that have benefited from past activities.
3. Please list any partner organizations in the community that the bidder will work with to leverage and enhance successful business development using these funds. Bidder may include letters of support from partner organizations.
4. Provide a detailed budget and explanation for utilization of funds to achieve outcomes.
Questions and Proposal Submission:
Email questions to Aliza Seay,
Email proposals (or upload below) to Aliza Seay, , by September 13, 2024 no later than 4:30 p.m.
IV. Required Documentation
If awarded a contract, the bidder shall be required to provide copies of the following:
1. Quarterly reports are due on the last day of the month following the end of each calendar quarter including the following information:
• New loans disbursed and the dollar amount
• Jobs created
• Outstanding loans and outstanding loan balance,
• Portfolio at risk
• Annual defaults
• Status of overall loan portfolio
Economic Development Companies/Workforce Development Companies/Technical Assistance Providers:
• Number of individuals that acquired knowledge or skills
• New employment directly related from knowledge or skills acquired
• Number of individuals which improved work performance
• Companies that benefited from the funds
• Specific time period funds will be used
2. Annual report showing how the funds aided existing businesses and/or start-up companies in the process of creating or retaining jobs, by increasing the quantity and quality of jobs; assisting distressed neighborhoods and targeted populations listed above; and increase taxable basis by attracting, retaining or expanding businesses.
V. Proprietary Information/Public Disclosure
Materials submitted in response to this competitive procurement shall become the property of NORTHWEST BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION. All received Proposals shall remain confidential until the award of contract recommendation has been made. Thereafter, the Proposals shall be deemed public records as defined in RCW 42.56, “Public Records.”
Any information in the Proposal that the bidder desires to claim as proprietary and exempt from disclosure under the provisions of state law shall be clearly designated. Each page claimed to be exempt from disclosure must be clearly identified by the word “Confidential” printed on it. Marking the entire Proposal exempt from disclosure will not be honored.
NORTHWEST BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION will consider a bidder’s request for exemption from disclosure; however, NORTHWEST BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION will make a decision predicated upon state law and regulations. If any information is marked as proprietary in the Proposal, it will not be made available until the affected bidder has been given an opportunity to seek a court injunction against the requested disclosure.
Upload Your Proposal and Documents:
See Previous Grant Recipients:
