December 2023
Issue 74

504 Program Helps Veteran-Owned Business
SBA 504 Effective Rates for December 2023
25-year – 6.59% / 6.62% Refi
20-year – 6.61% / 6.64% Refi
10-year – 7.20% / 7.20% Refi
Thank you to our Lending Partner on this Project:
Walla Walla Saw is not just a business; it’s a testament to determination and growth, owned by Brian and his wife Mary. The business is a small engine shop in Walla Walla, WA, specializing in lawn mowers, chain saws, trimmers, and more.
Purchasing the Business
In 2020, a pivotal moment arose when Brian, a disabled veteran and former warehouse manager, seized the opportunity to become a business owner with the invaluable assistance of the Small Business Administration (SBA). Brian was able to purchase the business, which had been in operation for over 40 years. He was fortunate enough to “hit the ground running” once the purchase had been completed.
Over the next two seasons, Walla Walla Saw, under Brian’s leadership not only doubled its sales but also experienced tremendous growth. Brian’s entrepreneurial spirit didn’t stop there. Recognizing the need for stability, he sought to purchase the property where the shop stood. The SBA, along with NWBDA and Banner Bank, played crucial roles in turning the vision of owning the property into reality.
Owning the building not only slashed rental costs by 33% but also empowered Brian to reinvest in his greatest asset – his employees. With reduced business expenses, he boosted wages and hired a shop manager, affording him more quality time with his family, including his one-year-old daughter.
Looking to the Future
Fast forward to the present, Walla Walla Saw is completing its fourth season and set to surpass sales records once again. In March 2023, Brian made a strategic decision to expand into the Tri-Cities area, signing a five-year lease in Kennewick, Washington.
This second location is anticipated to be eight times busier than the Walla Walla shop, thanks to the larger resident base in the Tri-Cities. The expansion will create job opportunities for seven more employees with a focus on excellent customer service and technical skills.
“The SBA has assisted in more than just business. It has given me financial freedom to buy a better home, take my family on well-deserved vacations, save for the future, create wealth and it has given me the opportunity to hire 12 employees in total, with great pay that will assist them in better lives as well. I’ve come a long way from my job as a warehouse manager 4 years ago. My next goal is to retire within 20 years and let my kids run the business.” – Brian, owner of Walla Walla Saw
Visit the Walla Walla Saw’s Facebook Page:
Western Washington
Elizabeth Rusnak
(206) 930-9173
Southwestern Washington/
North Oregon
Jim Bright
(360) 521-5704
Central Washington
Lisa Vincent
(509) 469-5040
Evan Heriot
(541) 228-5015
Western Washington
Mark Beppler
(425) 505-3263
November’s Loan Fundings
NWBDA funded 7 new
projects for a total amount
of $17,129,449
November’s Loan Approvals
NWBDA approved 4 new
projects for a total amount
of $9,107,200
In the month of November,
NWBDA helped create 32
new jobs in its local communities
(509) 458-8555 (800)
540-1748 (Toll Free)